Training Centre Instructors & Staff

Eric Dorval is the Training Instructor and Technical Specialist for PreGel Canada and teaches classes at both the Toronto and Vancouver international Training Center locations. Born and raised in Montréal, Quebec, Eric attended both St-Pius X Culinary Institute for Italian Cuisine and L’Institut de Tourisme et d’Hotelerie du Quebec, for Professional Pastry. His voracious love of the food industry has led him to take a variety of culinary and gelato courses including Intermediate and Advanced Gelato in Carpigiani Gelato University, in Bologna, Italy. Prior to joining PreGel, Eric worked at Bella Gelateria in Vancouver, BC for 3 years as one of the main chefs, 2 years of which he was the head recipe developer. Prior to that he was the head chef of L’Armoire a Glaces in Montréal, QC. 

Now at PreGel Canada, teaching and interacting with customers has become his favourite aspect of his job. Eric continues to expand his knowledge of gelato and pastry and keeps up to date with everything that is happening in the industry. In his spare time, he enjoys cooking, experimenting in the kitchen, dining out to discover new restaurants, going to the movies, and attending CrossFit.